Gmail as a Substitute Teacher & Parent

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Gmail as a Substitute Teacher & Parent

Angie Stewart
I am going to be going back into the classroom after being home for 14 years.  All 3 of my sons have chromebooks and gmail accounts through our district.  They also have dyslexia so the use of technology is a huge benefit for them as they are learn best through multisensory approaches.   I plan to set them up in my contacts and a text group so we can stay in touch throughout the day.  I also plan to communicate better with their teachers and find the labels will help better organize these messages.  Currently I use Outlook and have folders, which aren't as specific.
  In the classroom, it will be helpful to be able to be in contact with the teacher if need be.  The district will also be able to send a reminder email the day before a scheduled subbing position.  Overall, having basic knowledge of the Gmail setup will be helpful since students in grades 5-12 all have them issued to them and use on a daily basis.