Gmail in the Classroom

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Gmail in the Classroom

martin ruthaivilavan
I would like to share several ways I would use Gmail with students in the classroom. First, it's a simple, two-way delivery system to communicate the daily matters of the class. Emails would include, sending updates, links, resources and anything else students could document using their Google Drive Tools and share back with each other and me.

In my community, being able to translate information to parents is a necessity for having a transparent classroom. Weekly to biweekly emails sent through a created parent group would allow me to make sure the learning that happens in my classroom has a clear meaning and if any questions arise parents know they can community to me in their mother tongue.

Finally, communication that requires Gmail but does not necessarily need a formal conversation to take place is Google Hangout. Our class would use that for quick check-ins or answer clarifying questions without going back and forth on email as sometimes we have a tendency to use Gmail as text messaging tool.
