Gmail in the classroom

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Gmail in the classroom

Kush Passi
I plan on using gmail primarily to communicate with parents. There are times when a student is struggling in school and it is vital that his / her parent(s) is made aware of the situation. Gmail is an effective tool to communicate with parents. Also, the communication with parents can be saved for later retrieval.

Gmail allows labels and sub labels. One of the labels I plan on creating and using is ParentCommunication. The sub labels under this label will be term1, term2, term3, and term4, for example. This will allow me to file away communications with parents and administrators regarding a particular student.

Gmail also has a phone call feature that I would use to make a VOIP call. Sometimes classroom have no phones built in and there are times when you don't want to call parents on you cell phone. This feature will allow over the phone communication with parent(s)

Sometimes students are absent due to illness. Gmail allows email communication with students about home works and projects.