Gmail in the classroom

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Gmail in the classroom

Jana Beisell
Gmail in the classroom is a a huge time and paper saver.  It allows the teacher to give feedback that arrives to the student instantly. It allows teachers to e-mail a student or parent with an issue rather than trying to track them down.   The best thing about Gmail that I have experienced is, students who are shy or timid in class now have an opportunity to talk to you and ask questions that they wouldn't normally do in a classroom setting.  They know that it is just between you and them.  The chat feature on Gmail is a great way to do this as well.  This also allows students to get help outside of classroom hours.

Gmail is also one way, not necessarily the easiest, but a good way to collect assignments that are done on the computer.  One then simply can read and give suggestions to.  A person could even group these into their labels according to subject.