Gmail in the classroom

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Gmail in the classroom

Katie Bormann
Gmail is an easy way to communicate with students, parents, colleagues, and administrators in regard to student learning.

Utilizing groups for different classes throughout the day can help relay messages to select groups of students for reminders, follow-up or preview information, and to share links or other attachments. I have also utilized groups to help students with individualized, self-paced learning in my room giving me the opportunity to work individually or in small groups with students while others are following directions laid out and delivered through their class's google group.

Emailing parents through gmail and specifically having the ability to utilize groups once again such as when working with groups of parents that I may be working with on information for upcoming meetings in regard to their student's trip or a class's project. Communication with colleagues and administrators is also very easy and helpful to do with gmail in order to coordinate services or plans for students and or communication professional development needs, wants, or schedules.