Gmail in the classroom

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Gmail in the classroom

This class is eye opening for me. I am a new teacher and felt very lost in Gmail. I now know how to use labels, which will clean all of my emails up by putting them into their own group. I am a music teacher and made labels for 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade teachers. This will make it much easier to communicate with each group. I also made a group for my students which I will use the task feature to remind them of their upcoming lessons. I have changed my background color to teal to go with our school colors and changed the font and text size in my general settings. I also wanted to make sure I changed the default reply behavior to reply so I do not send to all. I never realized how much I could do in the settings to make Gmail more personalized. I am feeling more comfortable already as I was feeling completely lost when I started.