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Kimberly McGuire
If you sit back and really think about it Gmail has really changed the way we communicate in the world around us.  It makes my life so much easier by allowing me to contact parents anytime.  I can send test reminders to students.  This has come in very handy since a lot of my students seem to forget to take home their planners that contain information about studying for the test.  I can just send them out a reminder about a test and attach the study guide and cc the parents.  This is a great way to keep the parents in the loop on what their student needs to study for the test.  Then the parents can help their student study for the test.  Another great thing is that students can't say they forgot their study guide at home.  Gmail has now taken us to whole new level in being able to provide study guides to students so they can study for tests. Gmail has made our way of communicating with students so much easier.  I never have to track them down in the hallways when they forget to take their study guide with them.  I can just sent it to them in Gmail in a matter of seconds.