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Melanie Taylor
I am a Para in a kindergarten classroom.  I feel Gmail could be very beneficial in keeping the lines of communication open with all family members.  In today's society we have so many blended families and sometimes several people are involved.  Gmail could help by grouping together everyone who is involved with that child.  It could involve important notes, reminders, how child is getting along, whose is picking up the child that day and just general information.  It can get complicated when working with multiple family members but this could help make sure everyone is on the same page.
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Re: Gmail

Deb Mumm
I am taking this class for my substitute certification.  I will also use this knowledge to help me with my new assignment with a confirmation class.  I see using the Google calendar as a wonderful tool to help parents as well as youth aware of upcoming events.  It will work so we can see conflicts early on and change if necessary.

In a classroom situation you will not be changing dates due to conflicts but could be due to school cancellations or delays due to weather or sports issues.  This would be an excellent communication tool to let students know how the change will affect their assignments.

This class is helpful in explaining in more detail many of the tools available with Gmail.