Google 101 Gmail

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Google 101 Gmail

Lindsey Lynch
I have been using gmail for quite a few years, but was very pleased to learn about all of these additional features. Being able to add my signature to my email will definitely be a time saver. I can easily include my email, office hours, school phone number, and title in every email without having to type it in every time. I also plan on using the Google hangout feature more (especially if distance learning continues.) It can give me more opportunities to have face-to-face contact with parents and students. I'm also intrigued by the 'archive' feature. I have used folders to help me organize emails, but found it very helpful to learn that archived emails can be searched for in gmail. What a time saver! Lastly, being able to create a group of contacts will make sending my weekly email to parents so much more efficient. I can simply type in the title of the class and send it to all of the families at once! I'm very excited to practice using these features before the new school year starts.