Google Apps 101: GMAIL

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Google Apps 101: GMAIL

Our district provides Google Accounts for all students and I use Gmail to communicate with students, teachers, parents, colleagues, vendors, administratos, etc. However, I am able to use the labels and filters to organize my email for different purposes. For instance, we receive notifications of students' 504 or IEP plans at the beginning of every grade period and I can create a label to have easy access to this information.

I also can manage contacts to create list serves for different classes and levels (I teach Spanish 3, Spanish 4 and two honors sections of Spanish 3). This was especially helpful during the COVID-19 closures. Every week I would send a weekly email with plans and expectations to students organized by level or class period as well as a separate email for parents. This included reminders, simple correspondence as well as sending additional resources. During asynchronous learning, the expectation was that students would check their email regularly to get reminders, updates and instructions. List serves was actually very quick from Pearson PowerSchool which contains student and parent emails.

Another possible use for Gmail which is a fun activity for World Language classes is "pen pals" to work with different classes in the same district, different districts or, ideally, native speakers or another class in a target language country.