Google Apps 101

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Google Apps 101

I am so happy I registered for this course because I thought I knew a lot about Google and Google Classroom, but there was so much more to learn. I work in a district where a lot of different languages are spoken, I had no idea that with the translation feature in google labs, you can speak to parents in languages other than english. This is a huge issue when trying to contact parents because you have to find a translator first and you have to find a time that is convenient for both the translator and the parent. This will help tremendously in the future. I also have already updated my theme and learned how to retrieve an email that I have accidentally sent. I knew there was a way of doing this, I just wasn't sure how to do it.
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Re: Google Apps 101

Marta Rosa
I am finding quite the treasure of tools in the overall G Suite.
But I am specifically grateful I am learning how to organize my gmail account and what tools I can use with my students and my own personal account. I  have learned the use of filters and labels. This is going save me time when I am searching for a certain email. Since I am just beginning, it has been a bit confusing and through trial and error I am learning. I am from the "old school" and practically forced myself to try new technology. It has been nerve wrecking, but I am  glad I am doing it because I can help myself and my students to be more organized and it will make teaching so much easier and updated!  One example of my trying new things with technology is doing this post on this Forum. I am not 100% sure I am doing it correctly, but I got to give it a try! I am looking forward to discovering more new tools this technology has to offer!