Google Calendar in classroom

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Google Calendar in classroom

Ralph Hughes
This tool is very useful for students who are working on major projects be it group or individual.  The teacher can communicate due dates and students can schedule their collaboration time through chat, email, or in-person to increase group effectiveness.  The teacher can monitor students collaboration as needed to assist with students finishing projects in a timely manner.

Google calendar can be very helpful to students who have trips anywhere in the world during the school year.  There have been many issues for students whose parents can only travel at certain times of the year and they fall behind on their classwork.  With Google Calendar and Gmail these students can keep up to speed while on family trips and may even share unique experiences while they are traveling with their classmates.  

It will be fun to attempt new avenues to assist students with classwork completion through Gmail and Calendar.  Just need to be certain to involve the parents as carbon copied partners to keep transparency with these parents and remain guarded as a professional.