Google Drive

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Google Drive

Amanda Hennigar
I like using google drive with students.  I think it is a great tool to use to encourage collaboration between students and teachers as well.  Google drive allows students to create documents, spreadsheets and other tools together.  Three things I like about it are: 1) The teacher can require that the students include her in the sharing so that she can at least view and monitor what they are working on  2).  As long as each student has internet access at home or maybe a libarary the students can work on projects from home if needed. 3)  This is a great way for building team work between students and it is also a great tool for teachers to use in assessing whether students understood content by reviewing what they have created.
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Re: Google Drive

Sue Daker
I agree with all that you have indicated in your use of google drive for collaboration.
As an administrators (now retired), I use google tools with educational colleagues that I work with for the very same reasons that you use them with students.
It's easy to share ideas across members of the collaborative team on a google tool; the tool can be used at home, while traveling, hotel, or wherever.
I find that the ability to comment on each other's work on the collaborative tool is also a benefit. One can offer an opinion without changing the collaborative work that's done in the body of the document or spreadsheet or slides.
It's my A-#1 tool for work!