Google Drive

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Google Drive

Sue Daker
I have used google drive in all aspects of my job as an educational leader. When I'm in a meeting, I've created the agenda on a google doc where notes can be taken collaboratively by other members of the team.
I have created draft documents for others to review and "comment" on edits or ideas that I might consider changing.
I'm often invited to collaborate on a planning spreadsheet with dates / times related to a project that I'm working on with a colleague.
I've also used google tools to assist in wedding planning with my daughter several years ago. Together we created the "to do list" and determined who would take lead to get that accomplished. We would then mark on the doc that it had been finalized along with a comment to let the other know any anecdotal information related to the item.
All of the items above (minus the personal use example) can be kept in a FOLDER in google drive. By organizing work in folders, it is much easier to go back to find something rather than searching thousands of documents by a key word.
In the same way that I describe how I've used google drive, as a teacher I would do the same thing. Collaboration between students on a topic would include having them learn to use google tools that are stored in folders in drive.