Google: Gmail - Cynthia Randall

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Google: Gmail - Cynthia Randall

Cynthia Randall
I have been using gmail for several years personally.  I am only now learning the options and settings to make my email more efficient.   How crazy is that???  I used other email programs, and I would try and make things more efficient with folders, then I would always forget what really was in what folder (because I only could put it in one, and it had to have a short name).  Now I can put as many labels onto an email, and have things sorted in many directions.  I love the canned response, this will help with weekly grade reports, we need to conference, reminders, and many other parent/student emails we all have.  I also love the idea of creating the TO DO List.  This could be created by me the teacher, or the student (as helpful suggestion for the student) and can include time schedules, steps, rubric information, etc...  Checking these off would help a student be assured they got it done, and it's in there.