Google Gmail

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Google Gmail

Peggy Murphy
I have been using Gmail for quite some time, but I am taking this course for a few reasons:
1.  I wanted to evaluate the self-paced courses on AEA Learning System.  As a technology integration coordinator, I wanted to dive in.  So far, thumbs up. Thus far, I will recommend to others.
2.  Learn tools inside gmail that I am unfamiliar with.
3.  I am in the process of developing a website for technology needs for our district and wanted to learn about some tips and tools that I could share with other faculty.  

New tools I have learned:
-Label - colors
-Trimmed Content - forwarding an entire email, auto-forwarding
-Undo Send - I have used, but need to share with other staff
-Sending email from different gmail accounts
-Setting the icons as words in gmail toolbar - interested to see if this works for visually impaired
-Labs - moving chats to the right and calendar to the bottom left