Google in my classroom

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Google in my classroom

Theresa Strabala
My classroom is a K-5 special education classroom and I serve kids with the most significant needs.  I can use google in my classroom in a number of ways:

-Create contact groups for my parents and the 1:1 paraeducators who work with my students
-I can use the labels to organize information about each student on my roster
-organize tasks for IEP writing and meetings

-Video chats- I am excited to try this feature out in my classroom! I have students with varying communication needs and social abilities and I think this would be awesome to bridge that anxiety with talking with others.  I have students with autism spectrum disorders and I could see them enjoying and learning from the video chat where they could talk with others and use the fun filters (such as the pirate hat) to communicate and share information from literacy activities with classmates, teachers, parents, etc.