Inappopriate use of Digital Media

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Inappopriate use of Digital Media

Tiffany Skidmore
I think with this part of the digital world, we as educators need to make sure we have all the facts and act as we want our students to act. Lead by example if you will. One of the rules in my classroom is appropriate internet usage. I tell them to make sure they have address typed correctly and to let me know if they get taken to a site they didn't intend to be at. Again with them I remind them if they wouldn't do it in the real world they shouldn't do it in the virtual world. I also remind them that not everyone is going to play by the same rules. So if they get an email from a friend who is constantly sending them inapporpriate emails then they should either delete it or wait to open it at home, because they can get their privilages revoked it they have inapporpriate content on their computers. A lot of this comes back to being responsible for yourself and your actions while you are online.