Inappropriate Digital Media

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Inappropriate Digital Media

Tiffany Hoogestraat
I have heard of a few situations where people complained about teachers or events at school on Facebook.  Others read it and commented on it.  Everyone involved at school felt bad, and what had been posted may not have even been the truth.  

Another situation I have seen is kids getting other kids' email passwords and logging on as them.  I think we need to be careful about at what age we teach students digital tools and at what age they need access to these tools.  I think this might stop some inappropriate use because they might be old enough and more mature when handling/gaining access to some digital tools.
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Re: Inappropriate Digital Media

Jennifer Rau
I agree with Facebook complaining.  It starts to spread everywhere because people are very well connected than they know they are.

I had students secretly use video on cell phones during class at a former school I taught, which was an inappropriate use as well for what was being taught, and then had another teacher show that video during her class.  Double faux pas in which I had no control over, but I was questioned about.  I now see the importance of teaching good skills, application, and appropriate uses for our students.