Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Sara Ronan
Some bullying was being done by a couple of females on underclassmen that were out for the same sport.  These females began posting very negative and offensive comments on Facebook.  As this situation continued more people became involved or gained knowledge of this bullying via Facebook.  Not only did it now involve the students but parents as well.  These Facebook comments were taken to authorities and discussions were had with the parties involved.  These acts of using digital media to send negative comments about individuals makes many hurt feelings and puts people in positions that they don't want any part of.  By sending things out for numerous people to see just escalates problems.  I feel we have lost the idea and concept of keeping things in our lives private.  Digital media has allowed people to create drama and at times very hurtful situations.  We need to educate our students about the right and wrong ways of using digital media.