Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Jean ferneding
Phones have so many different capabilities to entertain and get info from that many users have become addicted to looking at it, checking it, etc.  Many users don't know what they are missing in real life.  I heard a story about a couple at a restaurant looking at their devices and not conversing with each other as they were too involved with their phones.  A person eating at nearby table noticed their lack of communication with each other, went over to their table and said that she wished she could have the time to converse with her husband but couldn't anymore as he had passed away.  I hope that made the couple stop and think and put their phones away.
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Re: Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Carol Kenkel
Cell phones are great but when you have time to be with family or friends they should probably not interfere with those times.
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Re: Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Joellyn Berg
In reply to this post by Jean ferneding
Phones are great for some uses, but I think kids are relying on them more for communicating through text messages, SnapChat or Facebook.  I feel like kids really do not know how to communicate face-to-face with people anymore and this does affect how we communicate in the classroom with them.  Some students cannot look someone in the eye when they communicate, but they are not used to having to do this as many do not even have conversations with their parents at home anymore like we used to as kids.