Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Brittanie Grafft
The topic of inappropriate use of Facebook is not unique as I have seen similar stories in reading other people’s posts, but I agree, it can be a touchy subject for educators.  I personally believe that it is important for educators to be role models for our students and community (which includes online and offline).  I know of a few teachers who “friend” their students using their personal Facebook page, and that is totally their decision.  However, I have also seen where that did not go well as the teacher was posting her pictures from weekend adult activities and the elementary students saw these pictures and continued to tell others about them.  While the teacher did not do anything wrong, it did make it uncomfortable for her having her students talk about the pictures they had seen.  To avoid this I know some teachers set up classroom Facebook pages for students and parents to connect with them.  This is also a great tool for homework help, questions, calendar updates, etc.