Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Rachael Coffman
As a substitute, I also wear many other hats outside of school.

I was formerly the HR Director for a small company that primarily staffed by men.  There were only 6 women working there.  One of the male sales reps thought it would be ok to send a sexually explicit email to his entire contact list.  The responses of the staff (men and women) were varied to say the least.  It made some employees incredibly uncomfortable and angry, while others thought it was "all in good fun."  That incident was a difficult one to handle, as there was a very vague company policy on email and computer usage.  He was essentially slapped on the wrist, and nothing came of it for him, but the IT director and myself (both women) had to revamp the company polices on acceptable use, and retrain all the staff on the new protocols.  It took a lot of time, effort, and energy to complete all this, and most of the employees were angry that they had spend production time to be retrained after one employee made a poor choice.  They were also less than polite with me and the IT director.  Another frustration for 2 of the 6 women working there.