Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Mary Goedken
A few years ago some new teachers to the school thought that it would be ok to be friends with some of their students on Facebook.  Some students saw pictures of their teacher with alcohol or doing things that were not appropriate or learned things that students really should not know.  Then, some of the parents brought this to the attention of the Principal and it was an uncomfortable situation around school.  The rest of the teachers were nervous about what was on their Facebook pages that others might see.  After these new teachers learned a lesson, the school district now talks with the new teachers each year.  

Also, the school district now has instituted a policy for appropriate uses of devices, e-mail, social media, etc.  We are constantly reminded by our teacher association that what we do, even in our private lives, may come under scrutiny as we are held to a higher standard.

I have also received inappropriate jokes from a co-worker on my school mail.  I felt uncomfortable and through an Inservice, we both learned that this is not the right place for that.