Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Kelli Hansen
Online bullying is something I have never experienced on a personal level, but I know this happens all the time.  It is so sad to see the hurt words, pictures, and this type of action can have on someone.  It can destroy someone in a matter of seconds.  Often the person who is posting the hurtful pictures or comments do not even realize the repercussions it can have until it is too late.  Last year on my way to class I noticed two girls outside the bathroom and they were hugging each other.  One of the girls was in tears and the other was trying to support her but was speechless. I stopped to see if all was ok and eventually took them to the counselor's office. I guess the girl crying had broken up with her boyfriend. He then posted some private pictures of them and said some terrible things about her to top it off.  She was devastated.  I am unsure how it all ended but the hurt, shame and embarrassment this girl was dealing with was horrible.  I was thankful we had resources there to help, but I am sure she is still in someway dealing with this one post!  I feel as though this is a very serious topic and something that many students feel is "not that big of a deal."