Inappropriate Use of Digital Media "Lesson Learned"

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media "Lesson Learned"

Jill Phillips

A few years ago, there were a couple of students who were not dressed appropriately for school. I sent out an email to a few other female teachers, stating the fact that two students in particular had very short skirts on and wondered if it was a violation of our dress code. One of the teachers that responded to my question accidentally forwarded the email to full staff. Because the students’ names were mentioned in the email, we were both called to the office and threatened to be written up, because of the email. Fortunately, we both received a verbal warning and were not written up. I learned a very valuable lesson about digital media and now important it is to use it in a professional manner. I felt so bad about it and I was nervous about being written up, because of it. Because one of the staff members was the mother of one of the students, I felt especially bad. I’m glad I didn’t write anything insulting about the student, but I wished I would have just consulted with the hand-book and talked to the principal about it instead of sending an email.