Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

William Flowers
At the beginning of one of my classes, one of my students received an inappropriate Facebook message.  She began to show anger, and told some of her close friends.  I asked her what was wrong, and she proceeded to tell me that one of her friend's nude pictures were being sent to various people online through Facebook.  As it turns out, student 1 and student 2 were face timing each other.  Student 1 started to undress, and student 2 began taking screenshots of this activity (without student 1's knowledge).  Student 2 then shared these pictures with 18 other students, or more.  I immediately told my student that she needed to show these pictures to the police officer at our school.  End result, student 2 was charged with a crime.

In hindsite, the only action that could have been done is to educate both student 1 and student 2 on digital citizenship, and the consequences that could arise for failure to follow proper procedure.