Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Alison Graham
Probably one of the most frequently observed inappropriate uses of digital media by me is the use of cell phones while driving.  While I observe this behavior on a daily basis, I think the two scariest situations which I recently experienced involving misuse of a cell phone while driving where:  
1.  I was nearly struck at highway speeds of 70 mph on the side of my care by a semi truck driver texting while hauling a load.  We was operating a vehicle that has the potential to kill multiple people if distracted for only a moment (which was the case for several in this incident).
2.  Mom's texting or surfing the net as they pull into the school parking lot.  

Our school has implemented a dismissal procedure that basically immobilizes the children when cars are in motion in the parking lot.  This seems to work effectively to keep the children safe when they are dismissing after school.  Parents who always seem to be in a hurry hate it but no one is likely to be hit by a distracted driver (and believe me, there are a number of them).

Overall, for matters of public safety, I think there is a time for technology to protect us from ourselves and our addiction to it.  It would be great if someone would develop a means to detect and disable devices when traveling at speeds that exceed 10 miles per hour so that people and others are protected from inappropriate or risky usage .  I know this would come as an inconvenience but I just don't know what else can be done to correct this irresponsible behavior?