Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Michael Lovan
All too often, students get themselves in trouble for sharing inappropriate and unnecessary information about others. One situation involved two students who were causing what we could call "drama" over postings that were happening outside of school -- via Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat. These posts were mostly about rumors about who was dating who, what they were doing with their significant other, etc. It spilled over into the school setting during the day, and though we could control it there, we could not control what was posted after school. This led to issues that boiled over to the next day, and caused even more trouble.

Ultimately, it came to a head when it drastically interrupted class (both students were in my class). I do not know what the outcome was, as they had to discuss the situation with the administration, but it was eventually resolved. Again, while we can control these in the school setting, parents also need to continue to be aware of what their children are saying/posting on the Internet. Without this supervision, these frequent posts disrupted the learning of others, as well as brought unnecessary attention to themselves.