Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Jennifer Rau
My family was a victim of a hit-and-run.  The TV station did a story on the accident that was ultimately a police car chase/drug user story.  My aunt was put on a backboard and ambulanced to the hospital.  My cousin still refuses to drive since then.  

As my aunt read about the article on the TV's website she could see the comments at the bottom of the page.  There were comments made about the meth user who created the accident and car chase, and then a comment was made about my aunt from a former co-worker who wrote that she faked her injuries to get medical treatment as she did at her former job.  All of this is untrue, but it is very inappropriate to put down and point out people who we don't know well, or even better for that matter.  There are many people full of drama and unfortunately this type of use is done too often.