Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Eric Rodgers
I honestly tend to use digital media sparingly.  I stay away from groups where it's people in my community are whom I interact with personally.  I do not want to know what is on their digital mind on a daily basis.  Digital media makes your friends and followers a captive audience.  They are not required to see what you have to say, but inevitably they are forced into catching a snippet.  These are not always good, too many times a person has been upset and went off on someone or something when they are at their worst.  It happens too often where you hear about a celebrity getting into an argument with someone because it's too easy to fire right back when something is said.  Take our current republican presidential candidate.  He has some mean and hateful things to just about everyone whom is different from him.  Does one person have that much hate in him, or is just too easy to say something?  I'd like to think that its the latter, but I've seen too often where a person has the ability to hide behind the anonymity of the internet to spew hate.  My wife has been personally attacked numerous times for work.  The problem is the person can easily go online and say whatever they like in a moment of anger where a simple phone call or meeting could easily fix minor things.  These attacks make a person feel insulted, personally attacked, and embarrassed to name a few.  You feel hopeless to a point because you cannot always defend yourself or your actions.  This type of thing has just become way too common.