Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Brian D Christensen
Maybe the most talked about situation in my school several years ago was how a teen girl sent suggestive pictures of herself in varying states of undress to her boyfriend. She meant the pictures to be for him alone, but he promptly forwarded the message to his friends and so on and so on until the pictures went viral.

It led to a lesson on the use of texts and picture mail in our advisory classes, and I know that stories like this continue to happen even though parents and schools have made it clear to children about appropriate use and what images not to send. As in one of my earlier posts, I suppose experience has to continue to be the best teacher.

In some ways, it can be like the inadvertent "reply all" that one may do to a company-wide email when the writer's intent was for the reply to only go to one person. I know I have been the sender of those.

Thinking and pausing have to be a part of digital "sends."  Just as one needs to proofread, one should also take time to pause before posting, sending, clicking, etc.  

I just did before hitting the "post message" button!