Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Kim Strohbeen-Petersen
Unfortunately I think many of our students (let's be honest and say many adults) often think that posts, pictures, and information shared on any social media outlets is fleeting. It's just a press of a button and it is deleted, right? It is so simple to hide behind a keyboard, to post to only our "friends" or to vent a hurtful rant and then delete without the fear of consequence. Our students need to be taught that they are not transparent on the internet, they are not immune to bullying or those with malicious intent. There are repercussions to poor decisions. I was in high school around the time of AIM and I remember how easy it was to be harassed by anonymous people. I also remember several girls being targeted by bullies hiding behind throw away accounts. At that time we did not have access to computers in school outside of keyboarding class so all of our knowledge regarding the internet was fairly limited.