Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Gayla Young
Cursing was one of the inappropriate uses of digital media that I had seen in the past along with lewd pictures that would be posted on Facebook and the such. I would delete these and often unfriend the person responsible.  It saddens me when I see underage kids posting pictures of illegal activity such as drinking and later they will ask me to write a letter of recommendation or put me down as a reference. I am also an unpaid elected official and recently during a bond referendum campaign many of us on the board were digitally attacked. Opponents of the referendum would post comments like "The board only wants their name on the building" , "they just go along with whatever the superintendent wants" , " they haven't done their research" to mention just a few. It saddened me to see people post these things without ever attempting to reach me personally and have an educated discussion.