Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Amy Featherstone
As I become more familiar with digital media, I've learned to be cautious about what I post. There was a learning curve at first and I'm sure that I posted something that I regretted later on. As a high school teacher I was very cautious not to post pictures of myself "out" with my husband or my friends in case there was alcohol in the picture. It made me feel like I was "setting a bad example" for my students, even though I was doing nothing wrong.

I also keep a blog for our family, mostly about the kids and things they are doing. Our grandparents and distant friends enjoy keeping up with the kids through the blog. I started tracking blog readers and their locations because I was curious who was reading our blog. I found there were people from all over the world looking at photos of my kids! Lesson learned because I changed the blog setting to private.