Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Leslie Mitchell
Have I or someone I know been involved in inappropriate use of digital media? How did this make you or others feel? What might have been done differently?

At first I was thinking, no I've never really used digital media inappropriately. Upon a little more reflection, I know I have used images or content without regard to copyright before. It's something that can be so casual and most often there's no account to a "victim".
I know I've been online and posted in threads or chats where people a discussing various topics and language and disparaging remarks have been made. My own personal rule is to not post with any offensive language on social media. Being a teacher and having children in my school district, I feel that is my responsibility as a citizen. I think it's good to abide by the rule of "if you wouldn't say or have this discussion face-to-face" don't have it online.
I have a friend that has taken the position of never putting her child's face/picture on any type internet source. She just feels like it not safe and ultimately should be up to her child when they are older.  

I have been personally attacked in the same chats I referenced above. It brings the same types of feelings and adrenaline as having that type of interaction face to face. I can't imagine how violated and traumatic it might feel to have my own images or children's images misused online.

There is a definite need for education in this area for all ages of digital media users.