Inappropriate Use

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Inappropriate Use

Dawn Schulte
I find all of these posts about inappropriate Facebook use amusing. They imply there is an appropriate use. Social media sprang to life so rapidly, nobody really had time to come up with rules. Now obviously things that are illegal are still illegal if they are on Facebook, but most of the discussion focus on people just being jerks in general. The ease with which we can vent on Facebook has lead to a rash of people hurting other people's feelings. That to me is not inappropriate use, just bad behavior. The various apps that have been developed that allow people to post anonymously have been horribly damaging to teens and immature adults. Let us keep in mind that the parts of the brain involved in emotional responses are fully online, or even more active than in adults, while the parts of the brain involved in keeping emotional, impulsive responses in check are still reaching maturity. Of course they are going to use social media in a way we adults deem to be inappropriate, without regard to future consequences. This is the way teens do everything.