Inappropriate Use

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Inappropriate Use

Steffany King
Inappropriate use of social media is a daily battle in my life and has been for a long time at this point.  As a techie, I have jumped on board with many of the social media trends as they first appeared on the scene.  I have facebook, twitter, instagram and can go on and on!  Many of them are unused accounts that simply live in the web where I will hit them occasionally.  Some of my usage is coming back into play as I friend my child each time she decides a new program is a need in her social circle.  She is in awe that I am already there, and that I don't hesitate to jump on if I'm not!  I set my personal standard from the beginning and work very hard to keep accounts that are appropriate for both my students and my own children to access and friend me with.  Recently my conversations have been in regards to the items my own child chooses to share and repost within her facebook and twitter accounts.  While I am capable of using questionable language as well as the best, it is not always appropriate and isn't ever posted.  I am working to empower her with an understanding that if it isn't language she is supposed to use face to face then it is not ok to share online either.  Sometimes you may choose to look at something, but it doesn't get reposted for everyone to see.  This is a huge challenge when some of the best shares are posted by people who choose inappropriate language within their "name" in a program.  We have set up a system that she can always share with me without punishment but that there may be conversations to follow up on understanding.  Trying to get across that what you post is the only part of you that some people will ever see is a deep concept and is beyond understanding because of the breadth of the web.  You share with your friends, but their parents or grandparents, teacher or boss may see what you have shared and your respect may be lost without saying a word.  My common example and judgement to post conversation is the principal and I are friends and followers in most of my accounts - is it ok for him to see or share at a public level.  If not, don't push post!