Inappropriate Use

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Inappropriate Use

Judy Jacobsen
Share a time when you or someone you know was the recipient of an inappropriate use of digital media or when you might have used digital media in an inappropriate manner.

Venting seems to be a common problem with social media.  Instead of addressing the issue with the person(s) involved, they go to social media, tell only their side of the story, and look for sympathy from their friends.  This tends to spread rumors and allow situations to look very one-sided.  As teachers, I don't feel we have the ability to put our side of the story out there due to professionalism and confidentiality, even though the other person is not keeping anything confidential.  So, bad impressions are often spread without being corrected.

I would like to see more social media users stop this type of venting and start telling their "friends" to act like adults and address the problem directly with the other parties.  If we all start responding this way, maybe there will be less venting and we can all enjoy social media more because the good things that we learn about each other will be shared more often and the bad things shut down.

My biggest etiquette faux pas is using photos from the interent without properly citing my source.  I tend to use the "education" exemption more than I should.

I SHOULD teach students to cite their sources, even when using creative commons graphics, so they get used to doing it properly and stop using the education excuse.  Eventually, they will not have this excuse and will not know how to do it properly.
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Re: Inappropriate Use

Corey Sebetka
I agree, I need to site my sources more.  A friend of mine does photography and she has helped me to realize how every image is SOMEONE's work.