Inappropriate Use

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Inappropriate Use

Trace Pickering
While not necessarily inappropriate, I've certainly had to learn about how and when to use digital media and when not to. Digital responses are permanent and can't be taken back. I've learned over time to never email or post when angry or stressed. I've had to learn to write responses and such and then sit on them for a day or so to make sure it is really what I want to say and not some reaction, over-reaction, or angry rant.
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Re: Inappropriate Use

Beth Duffy
I appreciate your point of sitting on a message before sending it. Even with these comments, I tend to re-read to make sure I'm saying what I've intended. Email is too fast, too easy. I'm super-careful, but I've received messages from people with errors they probably never intended. I know you're talking about perhaps relaxing before sending a heated message, but the idea of taking a little time can perhaps benefit all communication.