Inappropriate use in digital media

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Inappropriate use in digital media

Christopher Bird
Recently I saw a Facebook post by someone I know regarding the fact that she is no longer a member of the musical group we have both played in before.  She went on a rant in this post about how the conductor of the ensemble was wrong when he gave her position away to someone else.  She also tried to make herself sound more professional than she was regarding her leave of absence from the group.  Of course, she did not mention the other side of the story, from the perspective of the ensemble director.  She did not mention that her attendance at rehearsals in recent weeks was mediocre at best.  She failed to talk about how sometimes in rehearsals, she could be unprofessional and moody.  If she had sent an email to the band members about this and only done that, I wouldn't have had such a big problem with it, but she posted it on Facebook, and then of course, she got all kinds of sympathy from people in the comment section.