Inappropriate use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate use of Digital Media

Valerie Flanagan
Fortunately, I have taken precautions in usage, and have not had too many situations of inappropriate digital media use hit home for me personally. However, I am quick to end, any online interaction that rings questionable, and raises a red flag, before more can ensue. I have had 'funny' situations arise, in group threads. As they can remain inactive (yet contain the same list of message recipients, unless they have 'left the group') for some time. A person decided to create a story and involve me with no basis in reality- not realizing I was still able to view the whole thread. So there, I was able to "correct" statements, for all to see, and then, exit the group for that reason. These adult scenarios mirror the realm high school students exist on in digital media platforms.
In my district, at one of the two buildings I teach in, more than once, the principle has had to contact all staff in explanation to something 'fishy' going around. Unfortunately, someone was able to access her account, which resulted in staff receiving different messages containing notifications such as, "I need you to meet with me in my office right away"- which they were unaware of having been sent.  It is important, to address any off-kilter occurrence right away, so lines of communication remain clear, to the extent of our control and initiative.