Inappropriate use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate use of Digital Media

Beth Hagedorn
I had a friend who was bashed on social media for supposedly being this horrible coach. (she wasn't even the coach for this person, it was someone else!) The sad part is that coach is smart enough to not respond to the post but the world just reads the one sided story. When I read this on Facebook I just wanted to scream and start writing the truth but I blocked this person and others she was associated with. I don't know what could have been done differently here...  there weren't very many people that "liked" this post!
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Re: Inappropriate use of Digital Media

Allison Hicks-McCarville
I think that a lesson that we need to teach children is that it is okay to not be friends with everyone on social media.  We need them to know that it is okay to not follow people who post comments that are against our belief system or cause us pain and hurt feelings from reading what is posted.  And on digital media, as in social life, sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.