Inappropriate use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate use of Digital Media

Ellen Carey
Unfortunately, there was a incident that happened at our high school a couple of years ago which included several students I knew very well.  On twitter, an account was made that posted nude pictures and names of students that attended high school.  A few of these students played on the softball team I coached.  It ended up only being up for a few days before it was shut down.  Many of the pictures were of the girls taking pictures of themselves in a mirror.  These girls had thought they were just texting it to a guy friend.  However, these pictures were not only shared with others via text, but posted for anyone and everyone to see.  Several of these girls had parents that went to the police and charges were pressed against the individual who posted these on twitter.  Ultimately, he spent some time in jail.  I would like to think that something like this will not happen again.  However, I do believe it happens more then we think and no matter how much we try to educate our children, I think it will continue to happen.