Inappropriate use of digital media

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Inappropriate use of digital media

Matt Johnston
Unfortunately, I think that it's very common that kids (and adults) use digitial media irresponsibly and can hurt others with it. As other posts here have said, we often don't get to see the immediate reaction (body language, etc.) of the receiver in a digital communication the way that we would in a face-to-face interaction, so it is easy for us to lose empathy. I have seen way too many instances of kids just being awful to each other via text, snapchat, etc., and I don't think they truly understand how much impact what they are doing is having on the recipient because they don't see a reaction in a personal way. Technology creates distance between people even as it is supposed to bring us together, as I don't feel it's real, genuine human interaction.
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Re: Inappropriate use of digital media

Matt Johnston
A specific instance I can think of is seeing the impact on a student of bullying via social media. I think it was even harder for them to deal with it, because it's not just an insult thrown at them in person and they move on. The record of that stays on their phone for them to look at and think about over and over again, and more than just the victim can see it, adding to the humiliation. It made me feel awful just seeing it happen to them, so it's hard to imagine how hard it would be if it were happening to me.