Inappropriate use of digital media

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Inappropriate use of digital media

Drew Dornack
At our school we have a district wide email that goes to all of the certified and classified staff in the school.  It has been used at times to sell things quickly.  This time though one of our staff members posted a question about a haunted house and how to take care of the spirits that are living there.  Our sup. responded with his own email "I hope you can find a solution to your situation, but in the future, please don't use the District Email System for something like this.  Thanks!  Over time we have become pretty lax in how we use the system and we need to tighten this up again for all kinds of legal reasons.  Even though it's handy and effective at times, we should not be selling personal items, renting apartments, etc. on the public school system.  We don't want to become another version of Trading Post or a Swap site.  Those programs are meeting local needs just fine on their own.  Again, I hope you get your problem addressed."
Since the response there have been no more selling emails.