Inappropriate use of social media

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Inappropriate use of social media

Regina Alatalo
In my previous post I made mention of some 8 year olds who got into trouble with social media. One wasn't invited to the others birthday party and posted mean, inappropriate comments about the girl having the birthday. The girl who had the birthday and the mean comments posted about her came to school in tears. The principal had to get involved over an issue that didn't happen in school and nothing to do with school. But yet the problem spilled over into school hours. Both students were out of class for an entire morning while their parents were called and the situation what dealt with. As these two students grow up together and get older they will never forget the problems they had on social media at such a young age. It will forever scar any possible friendship and potentially cause their classmates to take sides. I typically think of such innocence at this age but they were also naive in their behavior.