Inapprpriate Use Digital Media

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Inapprpriate Use Digital Media

Joanna Bartlett
On Facebook, "friends" may post and share inappropriate images in the news feed.  Some people use facebook as a place to rant about other people (i.e. other's driving on the road) and they may use profanity and describe the other person. I have had to learn to be wise and discern if I should continue to follow that person or unfriend them to help protect what I am reading/viewing.

I work at a hospital where HIPPA or protecting patients medical information and privacy is important and law. We are required to watch trainings yearly about protecting patient information. We are told not to use patients names in subject lines of emails. I sent an email with a subject line that did not use the patients name however that recipient replied back using the patients first and last name. This made me feel uncomfortable. I am not sure how the patients parents would have felt about this. I began a new email to the group of recipients with a different subject line.