Innapropriate Use

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Innapropriate Use

Rebecca J Branan
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Unfortunately, I've seen way too much of this already.  Family members arguing about politics on public FB pages, Kids bullying via Face Time, Snaps that were misunderstood as insults, Adults threatening children via social media, racial slurs on twitter by high schoolers, Junior high girls sharing innapropriate pictures with "just one person" (all the junior high boys), members of the community having their jobs in jeopardy due to inappropriate photos online, etc.  Just about enough to make me bow out of social media altogether!  

Seeing things like this unfold in front of my eyes has the sort of train-wreck affect where you don't want to look but you can't look away.  When things involve close friends or family members it can become very personal and permanently ruin relationships.  Once something is posted online (even if it is removed later or disappers or whatever the case may be) other people see and it really cannot be retracted.

I want students and teachers (everyone) to THINK before you post, text, snap, tweet, take pictures with your phone.  Remember that once it's out there, it's out there FOREVER.