Internet Safety

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Internet Safety

What social networking site did you explore and what settings in that site should users be aware? I know for me being involved in technology for 25 years things have changed and the need to familiarize yourself as adults is very important not only for your childs safety but also your own.  I know for most like Facebook you can have it open to the world, friends, friend of friend or just yourself.  Reviewing them at least once a year to see if anything has changed or updated.  Same with Snapchat and other sharing apps.  We have to inform everyone on the different settings.  I know for FB I have changed mine to just friends, because I have gotten to other non-friends page by going to a mutual friends and then their friends list then their page of whom I am no a friend of.  So enlisting the help and techniques of others who have found things like this and making sure your settings plus the setting of the kids are set properly.  That is where stalkers can come from and we think we are safe but being able to go around the "system" and view your fb page via a mutual friends is scary.